BACP Senior Accredited and Registered Independent Counsellor/Psychotherapist offering sessions and supervision in Kings Heath and Moseley, Birmingham.
I particularly enjoy supervision as I feel it offers opportunities to enter even more deeply into assisting and supporting clients, and I value the opportunity of helping counsellors and therapists in doing the best work they are capable of.
There are a few different models of the purpose of supervision. I prefer the language of formative, restorative, and normative functions. These can be interpreted as supporting counsellors and therapists in developing the skills, understanding, and qualities needed to work with clients (formative); offering an opportunity to de-brief and reflect on their experience of this work (restorative); and providing an aspect of 'quality-assurance' by ensuring counsellors and therapists are working ethically and professionally (normative). [Page and Wosket, Supervising the Counsellor (Hove: Routledge, 2001), 63]
I love the collegiality of working as a supervisor, and believe my capacity to hold and be present to my supervisees and their clients is my strength. I enjoy finding creative ways to work with presenting issues, and place emphasis on helping supervisees to develop their own practise of presence and holding, while supporting the development and education of their intuition in working with their clients.
Having completed several thousand sessions with hundreds of clients, I have worked with a very wide range of presenting issues, personalities, and situations, and bring this experience to my work as a supervisor. I hold a Diploma in Supervision from ReVision.
I usually charge on a sliding scale of £50-70 for 50 minutes of supervision, and £80-100 for the BACP/UKCP monthly requirement of 90 minutes. I ask you to pay at least as much for supervision as you charge your clients. There is some leeway with this, so please get in touch to discuss my charges.
Please get in touch if you would like to know more or arrange to meet: email or phone 07950 554 708.