BACP Senior Accredited and Registered Independent Counsellor/Psychotherapist offering sessions and supervision online, and in Stroud and Birmingham.
Counsellors' directories
The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy maintains a 'Find a therapist' directory that can help you find a counsellor — you can search by region, postcode, or name, and you can also select therapists by particular approaches or special interests. My own entry on the register is here. also runs a good directory that you can search by various criteria. They have recently made it possible for past clients to leave reviews, so you can get some idea of how others have felt about working with me. You can see my profile here.
The Black Dog: A short video about depression
This video, produced by the World Health Organisation, is well worth watching. So many people come to me seeking support for depression. The video gives a very empathic insight into the experience, and also suggests some useful ways of working with depression. I hope we will be able to explore this further in sessions.
Brené Brown on Empathy
This is a very helpful short video produced by The RSA, animating a section of a talk by Brené Brown (whose book The Gifts of Imperfection I've linked to a little further down), which explores the differences between empathy and sympathy. When we are feeling depressed, angry, or otherwise upset and unhappy, we often long to receive empathy from those around us, but often they are involved in the same events that might be hurting us - they may be too close - or for other reasons they may not be able to offer you that empathic hearing. Therapy can be a precious opportunity to share what's happening and really know that your suffering is being heard, acknowledged, and held, and to feel yourself supported by another person.