BACP Senior Accredited and Registered Independent Counsellor/Psychotherapist offering sessions and supervision in Kings Heath and Moseley, Birmingham.
I am currently working online, and so am able to see clients and supervisees based anywhere, via Zoom and FaceTime video calls, by email, or by messaging using the Signal app.
I have a long-standing connection with Birmingham, where I worked in private practice from 2009 until early in 2021, when I relocated to the Stroud valleys in Gloucestershire. I continue to see clients from Birmingham, and, alongside online sessions, try to keep up a pattern of occasional in-person sessions, usually meeting in Moseley.
I have not yet established a location for face-to-face sessions with clients in Gloucestershire, but will be happy to discuss this with you if you are in the area and would prefer to work in-person.
I am pleased to work with clients and supervisees from anywhere, and grateful for the technology that makes this so straightforward and effective. I have worked online since 2009, so am skilled and experienced in working this way.