Perhaps you’ve found your way here because you are now experiencing, or have recently experienced, some form of distress or difficulty, and you’re looking for support. Or maybe you’re seeking greater depth and understanding of yourself, your relationships, or some other aspect of your life.
Suffering and a search for meaning are inescapable aspects of our lives — and though we can grow from them, they also often are intensely painful experiences. I hope I will be able to help you in dealing with whatever you’re facing, and support you in realising whatever is coming into being in your life.
I have worked successfully with hundreds of people dealing with a wide range of issues, including experiences of bereavement, relationship issues, depression, addictions of various kinds, anxiety, low self-esteem, stress, low self-confidence, work related issues, and a search for meaning in life. I have several thousand hours of face-to-face experience with clients, and have worked with people from various backgrounds, cultures, and life-experiences — university students and lecturers, company directors, housewives and househusbands, charity workers and workers in many other fields.
In my own experience of working over several years with a therapist, the simple act of talking to a neutral person, someone who’s not involved in what you’re going through, can be very helpful in gaining perspective and understanding what’s going on. And this experience has been borne out too by many of the clients I have worked with.
I know that the decision to see a counsellor can be a difficult one to make, and that it can feel hard to find the right person to work with. This website is intended as a way for you to learn a little about me as part of that process of exploration — and in case you’re uncertain about working with me, there are links to other counselling resources on the ‘Links and recommendations’ page.